The guests today were Sari, Marja and Manu. On one hand, Marja and Sari are from Finland. They joined the Team Academy and now they run their own company. On the other hand, Manu joined Team Academy Euskadi and he is also running a company ( a cooperative) called Manahmana. (YES! just the same name as this ones)--------->link
All of them are now colaborating with MU (Mondragon Unibertsitatea). They are now creating an event in which GAZE will take part. So, that's why we've known each other.
Why are we doing this? Because GAZE needs to spread around and the best way of spreading is by taking parts in different events, where people like us, will have the opportunity to meet new people.
We've alredy arranged another visit, but this time, we will be the guests. We are looking foward to see you as soon as possible!!!
P.S.: Thank you for coming Nerea!
2 comentarios:
Benetan oso bilera ederra izan zen. Gustora egoten da bat ikusiz nola badagoen gendea energiaz beteta toki gehiagotan!!
It was a pleasure to be with you. let´s hope that this will be the start of a great collaboration (why not friendship) and that all of us will enjoy and develop ourselfs through "Ametsen Ekaitza"
besarkada bat, laister arte!
It was a exciting day. I wasn't know anything until yesterday about team academy, mana mana or Ametsen ekaitza, and now my impression about them is vey possitive. It is so possitive that I am sure that I will take part in Ametsen ekaitza.
Now I hope that, like manu says, we will be able to colaborate between those organizations.
thank you!!!
p.d.: eskerrikasko zuei atzo zuekin egoteko aukera emateagatik, arratsalde ezin hobea pasatu nuen, benetan.
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